Perhaps we shouldn’t disclose who has an extra girlfriend in reserve, although this was talking about this person’s youth (and may have been tongue-in-cheek). I can disclose that we had three prepared (or not, in one case) speeches, table topics and evaluations.
New member Paul gave his Ice-Breaker speech – “The Boy In Holland”, telling us about a trip to the beach in Holland and how it nearly ended in disaster if not for a mysterious intervention.
Anita is a new-ish member. She’s been with Toastmasters for a long time but took a break recently. She’s back, and we forgive her break – especially with her speech about rebuilding her life.
Then there was my speech – my prepared speech needed props. However, frozen points on the train line meant I didn’t have time to go and get them after work (and was a wee bit late to the meeting, sorry – blame the weather). Instead, I improvised a speech I had been thinking about delivering – how to write a speech when you have that dreaded blank page and no ideas.
Table topics were delivered by Hollie using a Christmas party game she never got to play. We drew out a card which described a historical event, and we had to create a two-minute speech around this subject – it could be a made-up story, something it reminded you of, the historical event acted out in a combination of speeches, interpretive dance and mime (okay, maybe not this last one). Either way, it was fun.
We started with three guests this meeting but ended up with two – Nisar joined in the break, so welcome to Nisar – our newest member. Chris and Nick were our other guests.
Ribbon Winners:
- Lejla, Muhammad and Nisar: New Members (Muhammad joined a few meetings back, but the ribbons were still on backorder)
- Lejla: First Timer
- Natalie: Best Evaluator
- Nick (guest): Best Table Topic (joint winner)
- Paul: Best Speaker and Best Table Topic (joint winner)
Next meeting 1st Feb – drop me a message if you want to come as a guest
- Geoff
#publicspeaking #toastmasters #confidence #leadership #didsbury #manchester