Posts in Club Business
Club Newsletter

Humorous Speech and Table Topics Competition

There’s still time to enter the Humorous Speech and Table Topics competition at the next meeting (6th September) with slots available for both if you’re quick. If you wish to enter either (or both), please let me know or sign-up on EasySpeak (link at the bottom of the email). You can sign up on the day if there are slots left, but why not guarantee a space (note: only members can take part in the competition,  but guests are welcome to watch and members of other clubs can help with roles)

We also have a number of roles still available if you want to join in without doing a speech or table topic – we have a timekeeper, counter and judge role available. Sign up on EasySpeak or just let me know. 

If you want to watch other clubs’ competitions, the Manchester’s is on 31st August and Warrington’s is on 11th September. Let me know if you want details of where they are etc.


Taking Up Roles

As well as roles for the competition, there are always lots of roles at the regular club meetings. You get more out of Toastmasters, the more you put in – please do volunteer for roles when you are coming down and help the meetings run smoother, and the Toastmaster’s job easier. If you’re not sure about the roles, then…


Boot-camp Sessions

If you’re new to Toastmasters or want a refresher, I’m offering bookstamp before the main meeting. These are informal sessions where we can chat about the different roles and what’s involved, I can show you how EasySpeak works, chat about how to get what you want out of EasySpeak. Let me know if you want to meet me and go through anything and we can meet up earlier – you can also catch me at most meetings but we have more time beforehand. Drop me an email or a text if you want to do this.  If you're thinking of joining, I can also chat to you about the benefits, what's involved and what you can expect to gain.  


Club Social

We’re having a club social on the 22nd September – look out for an email from Karen Lee soon with all the details.



If you want a mentor, or want to be a mentor, then check you inbox for Andriy’s email with all details, and how beneficial this is (to both mentors and mentees). All the details of how to sign-up are in his email.


Coming Up

Advanced notice of things coming up later in the Toastmaster calendar:

  • Fancy-dress themed meeting. Optional, of course. Date to be confirmed a bit nearer the time

  • Evaluation Workshop

  • Area tall-tales competition

  • Membership event

  • Guest open day 

We’re also hoping to have new member special offer in September if you know anyone thinking of joining us who may need that little push – details to come once we’ve worked them all out

Don’t forget – your committee is here to help you meet your goals. Talk to any of us if you want help or advise (preferably Toastmaster-related but we’re pretty open-minded).

Speak to you all at the competition

Geoff – Vice President of Education

Club BusinessMuddy Madam
Get ready for the Club competitions!

On September 6th we will be holding the Humorous Speech and Table Topics competitions. Any member can enter thse competitions as there is no restrictions in the amount of speeches you have completed or how long you have been at the club. Last year two of our members got through to the District finals, one had only been a member for 6 weeks, and the other for only 3 weeks, so have a go.

Club BusinessMuddy Madam